Stephen Hill Linkography: Ballot Boxing

A New Era of Politics: Campaigning With Ranked Choice Voting
Event: 13 May 2010, hosted by Oakland Rising and New America Foundation. With Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) voters can rank a first, second and third choice, and winning candidates are elected in a single November election instead of over two elections in June and November. This boosts turnout, saves taxpayers the cost of a second election and saves candidates the cost of fundraising for two elections.

Moderate Muslims Are the World's Swing Voters
Posted: 3 February 2009 - Huffington Post. Moderate Muslims should be seen as the world's swing voters. The Obama administration should think carefully about the lessons of the past eight years, indeed the past 80 years. There are hundreds of millions of moderate Muslims in the world, and they are waiting for an American partner that is cognizant of its role in a long, difficult history of colonialism and imperialist interventions. They, too, are looking for a "new deal." A president with the name of Barack Hussein Obama presents an opportunity, but the opening may not last long.

10 Steps to Better Elections
Article: 1 May 2005 - Sierra Magazine. Over a century ago, the Supreme Court referred to "the political franchise of voting" as a "fundamental political right,
because preservative of all rights". But it's still a right we must fight for. These ten reforms could help our politicians revitalize American representative democracy in the 21st century. They will not be easy to achieve, because the party in power has little incentive to change the system that has served it so well.

Revamping the Primary Election System
Talk radio interview: 31 July 2008 – KALW News, host Hana Baba. (Audio) - Hill briefly discusses how the state primary and caucus system works, and gives details for improving the method used for scheduling primaries. He explains why reform is necessary and that it's up to the Democratic and Republican committees to come together and make it happen.

De-Spoiling the Election
Article: 12 July 2004 by Steven Hill & Rob Richie – The Nation. The article looks at the presidential race in the United States in 2004. Hill suggests that Democrats could pass into law a runoff or instant-runoff system with a majority requirement for President, to insure that the center left does not split its vote between Kerry and Nader. Instant-runoff voting also saves candidates the campaign costs of a runoff election and preserves more voter choice in the decisive November election, when voter turnout is highest.

New Voting Method to Improve Democracy
is Catching On

Article: 15 December 2006 – OpEd News. Political reforms such as redistricting reform, fusion and campaign finance reform have been floundering at the ballot box in recent years, rejected by voters in several states. But another political reform, instant runoff voting, has been quietly racking up impressive victories.

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