Stephen Hill Linkography: Health Care Solutions

What Obama Can Learn from European Health Care (Part I)
Article: 3 March 2009 - The Globalist. Health care related inefficiencies are continuing to hurt American workers and businesses -- and increasingly will hurt U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. President Barack Obama, to his credit, is doing what he can in difficult times to extend health care coverage to some of the 47 million Americans currently lacking it. Recently he signed legislation to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which will provide subsidized health care to up to four million mostly low-income children.

What Obama Can Learn from European Health Care (Part II) Article: 4 March 2009 - The Globalist. More pointers on what the U.S. healthcare system could take from Europe.

Climate Change, Health, Economy: Three European Tips For Obama
Article: 19 January 2009 - The European Magazine. In France and Germany service fees are negotiated between representatives of the healthcare professions, the government, patient consumer representatives and the private non-profit insurance companies. Like in the American system for Medicare, together they establish a national agreement for treatment procedures, fee structures and rate ceilings. These prevent the soaring health care costs that have plagued American businesses.

Don't Want Swine Flu with Lunch? Then Offer Paid Sick Leave
Posted: 26 June 2009 - Huffington Post. Who could be opposed to policy as sensible as making it possible for workers to stay home when they are sick? Business owners, that's who. Owners of small companies argue that forcing them to offer paid sick days would be a costly mandate, especially at a time when businesses already are coping with a struggling economy. Candidate Barack Obama voiced strong support for legislation giving all American workers paid sick leave. But President Obama has made a habit of backtracking on things he said on the campaign trail.


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