The Myth Of The Overtaxed Europeans And Other
Modern Fables
Blog: How's Europe Doing - posted 19 November 2010 - The Washington Monthly. Child care in the United States costs more than $12,000 annually for a family with two children. In some countries in Europe, child care is free. In others, they pay $1000-$2000 per year, depending on their income. So they are paying at most only one-sixth of what Americans are paying -- and the quality is far superior.
Modern Fables
Blog: How's Europe Doing - posted 19 November 2010 - The Washington Monthly. Child care in the United States costs more than $12,000 annually for a family with two children. In some countries in Europe, child care is free. In others, they pay $1000-$2000 per year, depending on their income. So they are paying at most only one-sixth of what Americans are paying -- and the quality is far superior.
Next Steps for Social Democracy: An American Perspective
Article: 16 December 2009 - Social Europe Journal. This article was published as part of the "Building the Good Society" debate hosted by Social Europe Journal. In Hill's opinion, the predicament of social democracy strikes at the heart of several modern dilemmas that will be at the forefront of the twenty-first century. Given the many obstacles and challenges presented by globalisation, global warming and geopolitical shifts, he believes that social democrats have made remarkable gains and are providing a beacon to the rest of the world.
Article: 16 December 2009 - Social Europe Journal. This article was published as part of the "Building the Good Society" debate hosted by Social Europe Journal. In Hill's opinion, the predicament of social democracy strikes at the heart of several modern dilemmas that will be at the forefront of the twenty-first century. Given the many obstacles and challenges presented by globalisation, global warming and geopolitical shifts, he believes that social democrats have made remarkable gains and are providing a beacon to the rest of the world.
Happy Tax Day: Are Americans Getting Their Money's Worth?
Posted: April 16, 2010 - Huffington Post. Europeans are receiving a generous support system for families and individuals for which Americans must pay exorbitantly, out-of-pocket, if we are to receive it at all. In return for their taxes, Europeans also are receiving affordable child care, a decent retirement pension, free or inexpensive university education, job retraining, paid sick leave, paid parental leave, ample vacations, affordable housing, senior care, efficient mass transportation and more.
Posted: April 16, 2010 - Huffington Post. Europeans are receiving a generous support system for families and individuals for which Americans must pay exorbitantly, out-of-pocket, if we are to receive it at all. In return for their taxes, Europeans also are receiving affordable child care, a decent retirement pension, free or inexpensive university education, job retraining, paid sick leave, paid parental leave, ample vacations, affordable housing, senior care, efficient mass transportation and more.

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