Next Steps For Social Democracy: An American Perspective
Article: 16 December 2009 - Social Europe Journal. This article was published as part of the "Building the Good Society" debate hosted by Social Europe Journal. In Hill's opinion, the predicament of social democracy strikes at the heart of several modern dilemmas that will be at the forefront of the twenty-first century. Given the many obstacles and challenges presented by globalisation, global warming and geopolitical shifts, he believes that social democrats have made remarkable gains and are providing a beacon to the rest of the world.
Article: 16 December 2009 - Social Europe Journal. This article was published as part of the "Building the Good Society" debate hosted by Social Europe Journal. In Hill's opinion, the predicament of social democracy strikes at the heart of several modern dilemmas that will be at the forefront of the twenty-first century. Given the many obstacles and challenges presented by globalisation, global warming and geopolitical shifts, he believes that social democrats have made remarkable gains and are providing a beacon to the rest of the world.
Steven Hill on Europe’s Promise
Video: Book talk: 21 January 2010 - held at the New America Foundation. Also posted with title: What the U.S. (Even California) Can Learn from Europe
The author discusses his new book and explains Europe's bold new vision. For a decade Hill travelled widely to understand this uniquely European way of life. He shatters myths and describes how Europe's leadership is rooted in different economic, social and cultural values. Hill points out that the European model has the greatest potential to nudge the world forward.
Video: Book talk: 21 January 2010 - held at the New America Foundation. Also posted with title: What the U.S. (Even California) Can Learn from Europe
The author discusses his new book and explains Europe's bold new vision. For a decade Hill travelled widely to understand this uniquely European way of life. He shatters myths and describes how Europe's leadership is rooted in different economic, social and cultural values. Hill points out that the European model has the greatest potential to nudge the world forward.
San Francisco Mayoral Race Mobilizes Opposition
to Globalization
Article: 2000 - Labornet viewpoints: Global online communication for a democratic, independent labor movement. San Francisco, a busy commercial and Internet center riding the crest of nearby Silicon Valley, is the poster city for the globalized economy. Local startups, IPOs and surging stock prices are the latest embodiment of the American Dream, dangling the bait before a wide-eyed generation. Interestingly enough, this electoral challenge came less than two weeks after thousands of protesters in Seattle delivered a shot across the bow of the WTO and its cruise ship, the USS Globalization.
to Globalization
Article: 2000 - Labornet viewpoints: Global online communication for a democratic, independent labor movement. San Francisco, a busy commercial and Internet center riding the crest of nearby Silicon Valley, is the poster city for the globalized economy. Local startups, IPOs and surging stock prices are the latest embodiment of the American Dream, dangling the bait before a wide-eyed generation. Interestingly enough, this electoral challenge came less than two weeks after thousands of protesters in Seattle delivered a shot across the bow of the WTO and its cruise ship, the USS Globalization.

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