Posted in Italian: 30 November 2010 - By Francesca Cannino. (Italian original: L’Europa e la sua rivoluzione 1/2, 30 Novembre 2010 – Gli Euros, Par Francesca Cannino (trad.). (use Google Translate). There is no doubt that Europe can sometimes appear in disarray reeling from one apparent crisis to another. It is facing challenges that seem impossible… Yet in the end, it always gets the job done as is characteristic in a united Europe for the last 60 years.
Europe and its Revolution - Part 2
Posted in Italian: 13 December 2010 - Europe and its revolution By Francesca Cannino. (Italian original: L’Europa e la sua rivoluzione 2/2, 30 Novembre 2010 – Gli Euros, Par Francesca Cannino (trad.) .
Posted in Italian: 13 December 2010 - Europe and its revolution By Francesca Cannino. (Italian original: L’Europa e la sua rivoluzione 2/2, 30 Novembre 2010 – Gli Euros, Par Francesca Cannino (trad.) .
The Greek Aftershock - Will it Make or Break Europe?
Article: 19 February 2010 – Social Europe Journal. The Germans and French are about to get a real shock of what ‘union’ means. They didn’t realize that the euro came with a hidden obligation for them to bail out the Greeks and perhaps others during tougher economic times. So far they have agreed to stand behind Greece in return for new restrictions on government spending, but this crisis is going to test their union.
Article: 19 February 2010 – Social Europe Journal. The Germans and French are about to get a real shock of what ‘union’ means. They didn’t realize that the euro came with a hidden obligation for them to bail out the Greeks and perhaps others during tougher economic times. So far they have agreed to stand behind Greece in return for new restrictions on government spending, but this crisis is going to test their union.
Steven Hill re Europe’s Promise: Q&A
Interview aired: 30 May 2010 - A Terrence McNally Podcast. <

Despite the Crisis, Europe Is the Model for the World
Interview in Czech: 23 February 2011 - Lidove Noviny. Czech title : Evropa je i přes krizi pro svět vzorem – 23 února 2011, Lidove Noviny.(use Google Translate) In this exclusive Q&A interview with the prominent Czech newspaper Lidove Noviny, Hill is questioned primarily about his book, the economic policies of the EU, the Euro crisis, prospects for the future of an integrated Europe and more.
Interview in Czech: 23 February 2011 - Lidove Noviny. Czech title : Evropa je i přes krizi pro svět vzorem – 23 února 2011, Lidove Noviny.(use Google Translate) In this exclusive Q&A interview with the prominent Czech newspaper Lidove Noviny, Hill is questioned primarily about his book, the economic policies of the EU, the Euro crisis, prospects for the future of an integrated Europe and more.
Media ‘Speculators’ Miss History Being Made
In Europe
Article: 19 October 2010 - Social Europe Journal. While the debt crisis has
been messy and noisy, it also has provided a badly needed wake-up call to Europe about a flaw at the heart of its union: namely, while it had a monetary union it lacked a fiscal union. At some point, this flaw had to be dealt with and the Greek situation provided that opportunity. That in turn has resulted in reforms providing sensible financial backstops, regulation and transparency.
In Europe
Article: 19 October 2010 - Social Europe Journal. While the debt crisis has

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