The European Way for America?
Panel discussion topic - Europe's Promise: 20 May 2010 - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Panelists: Steven Hill, Kimberly Morgan, George Washington University; Mitchell Orenstein, Johns Hopkins University. Hill argues that Europe is uniquely well-suited to meet the challenges of the 21st century and that America has some catching up to do. In the discussion that ensued the panelists point out the book offers a rich trove of best practices in Europe, however, it would be a mistake to look for a single European way to compare with the US as both systems have something to learn from each other.
Panel discussion topic - Europe's Promise: 20 May 2010 - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Panelists: Steven Hill, Kimberly Morgan, George Washington University; Mitchell Orenstein, Johns Hopkins University. Hill argues that Europe is uniquely well-suited to meet the challenges of the 21st century and that America has some catching up to do. In the discussion that ensued the panelists point out the book offers a rich trove of best practices in Europe, however, it would be a mistake to look for a single European way to compare with the US as both systems have something to learn from each other.
Europe’s Case of ‘Chief Executive Envy’
Article: March 19, 2010 – Social Europe Journal. The Lisbon Treaty went into effect late in 2009 and created a president for the European Council and a high representative for foreign affairs and security. That treaty and those two new offices were supposed to launch a new Europe that would cease ‘punching below its weight’, and finally provide an answer to Henry Kissinger’s bedeviling question: ‘Who do I call if I want to call Europe?
Troy Schneider Interviews Steven Hill
Video: Interview held 20 January 2010 - on Europe's Promise, at the New America Foundation, host Troy Schneider. A lively interview where Hill discusses European approaches to the economy, global warming,
politics, social democracy and other topics covered in his book. He describes the European Union as the 'new kid on the block' and goes on to explain how Europe's robust new standard for developing a modern society is taking care of its people in an environmentally sustainable way.
Video: Interview held 20 January 2010 - on Europe's Promise, at the New America Foundation, host Troy Schneider. A lively interview where Hill discusses European approaches to the economy, global warming,

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