Article: 17 June 2010 - Social Europe Journal. In Switzerland, the political leaders have crafted an impressive practice that fosters a "noisy collaboration" between the people and their elected representatives. They have a "proposal-counterproposal" system in which, once an initiative or referendum qualifies for the ballot, the government is given a chance to either pass that law itself or put a counterproposal on the ballot.
Myth 5: Europe is a Socialist Nest of Government Interference and Intervention.
Posted 14 March 2010 - Washington Policy Watch . Europe is completely capitalist, not socialist, with more Fortune 500 companies and more small businesses than in the U.S. But Europe has figured out how to harness capitalism’s tremendous wealth-creating capacity so that its prosperity is broadly shared.
Posted 14 March 2010 - Washington Policy Watch . Europe is completely capitalist, not socialist, with more Fortune 500 companies and more small businesses than in the U.S. But Europe has figured out how to harness capitalism’s tremendous wealth-creating capacity so that its prosperity is broadly shared.
Inspiration Across the Pond
Article: 29 March 2010 - E’Sharp. Europe ploughs its money into its people rather than into excessive corporate profits, CEO bonuses or a bloated military. In the US, about the only people who enjoy the full range of European-level supports are those who work for wealthy corporations or the president and members of Congress. What is good for US political and economic elites apparently is not enjoyed by their fellow Americans. The drawbridge has been pulled up.
Article: 29 March 2010 - E’Sharp. Europe ploughs its money into its people rather than into excessive corporate profits, CEO bonuses or a bloated military. In the US, about the only people who enjoy the full range of European-level supports are those who work for wealthy corporations or the president and members of Congress. What is good for US political and economic elites apparently is not enjoyed by their fellow Americans. The drawbridge has been pulled up.

Interview: Monday 18 October 2010 - by Alissa Bohling for Truthout.
During this lengthy interview Hill touched on the kind of support Europeans have that Americans don't have. He gave this example: "An American friend of mine living in France got a hornet sting when I was visiting her. She calls up her doctor and, 20 minutes later, there's the French doctor with his little black bag. What does that feel like to a person, to know that you have that kind of access to the support that you need?"
The World Cup of Global Competition
Article: July 1998 - Hartford Web Publishing: World History Archives. Steven Hill was in Paris, during the 1998 World Cup of soccer hosted in France. Watching Europeans of numerous nationalities patriotically cheering their home teams, he reflected on the remaining barriers to the European Union. Some Europeans are looking westward toward the American model, marked by low unemployment of 4-5%, market and labor flexibility, low deficits and increased worker productivity. However, important distinctions should be noted.
Article: July 1998 - Hartford Web Publishing: World History Archives. Steven Hill was in Paris, during the 1998 World Cup of soccer hosted in France. Watching Europeans of numerous nationalities patriotically cheering their home teams, he reflected on the remaining barriers to the European Union. Some Europeans are looking westward toward the American model, marked by low unemployment of 4-5%, market and labor flexibility, low deficits and increased worker productivity. However, important distinctions should be noted.
Ancient Transportations: Walking and Bicycling
to Health
Blog: How's Europe Doing – posted 28 Oct 2010 - The Washington Monthly.
Europeans seem to be literally biking and walking their way to health, and research bears this out. One study found that whereas walking and cycling account for less than a tenth of all urban trips in American cities, they account for a third of all such trips in Germany and an incredible half in the Netherlands. This activity not only provides the Dutch and German elderly with valuable physical exercise, but it also assures them a level of mobility and independence that greatly enhances their quality of life.
to Health
Blog: How's Europe Doing – posted 28 Oct 2010 - The Washington Monthly.

Time for a Tex-Mex Marshall Plan
Article: 23 April 2006 – Washington Post. The bold yet carefully planned E.U. approach to worker migration suggests the direction that policy between the United States and Mexico should take. The EU gave its new poorer states massive subsidies -- billions of dollars' worth -- to help construct schools, roads, telecommunications and housing, thus making these nations more attractive for business investment. The idea was to raise up the emerging economies rather than let the advanced economies be dragged down.
Article: 23 April 2006 – Washington Post. The bold yet carefully planned E.U. approach to worker migration suggests the direction that policy between the United States and Mexico should take. The EU gave its new poorer states massive subsidies -- billions of dollars' worth -- to help construct schools, roads, telecommunications and housing, thus making these nations more attractive for business investment. The idea was to raise up the emerging economies rather than let the advanced economies be dragged down.

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